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Corn tortillas vs. flour tortillas.

Simple. Always choose corn tortillas if you want a real taco.

If you’re a gringo, they’ll ask, “Harina o maiz”, (flour or corn?), because they think you want flour tortillas. If you’re not a gringo, they’ll say, “Maiz o harina”?

If you have trouble remembering the difference between “harina” or “maiz” then you are a gringo, so pick the one they don’t think you want. The second one. The good stuff.

Maiz (mah-yeez)

Maiz (mah-yeez)

A few exceptions can be made. If they’re not making the corn tortillas right there in front of you, and they pull the tortillas out of a Fiesta bag, and the flour tortillas ARE homemade, then you may consider flour.

You also have the option of threatening the non-corn tortilla making lady with a Jarritos bottle until they learn how to make corn tortillas.

I am not advocating violence toward taco stand employees in any way, shape or form.

That is, unless they are not making fresh corn tortillas from scratch.

Cocina de Colima, part Dos.
Taqueria Mi Jalisco

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